Court Bail

Offense Bail

All capital felonies……………………………..
…………………………………No Bond

All murders not particularly specified below

All first degree felonies not particularly specified below

All second degree felonies not particularly specified below
………………………. $10,000.00

All felony DWI’s not particularly specified below

All third degree felonies not particularly specified below
…………………………….. $5,000.00

All fourth degree (State Jail) felonies not particularly specified below
……………………………… $2,000.00

Repeat Offenders Habitual………………
………………………. No Bond

First degree felony with previous conviction………………………
…………….. $30,000.00

Second degree felony with previous conviction…………………………

Felony DWI with previous felony DWI conviction…………………….
……………………….. Double bond amount for each previous felony DWI conviction.

Third degree felony with previous conviction……………………………… $10,000.00

Fourth degree (State Jail) felony with previous conviction
………………………………………. $5,000.00

Fourth degree (State Jail) felony with more than one previous conviction
………………………….. $15,000.00

Defendant on Bail for any Felony Charge with:

First degree felony……………………………..
………………………. No Bond

Second degree felony…………………………….
……………………………….. No Bond

Third degree felony………………………….
……………………………………. No Bond

Fourth degree (State Jail) felony…………………..
…………………………………… No Bond

Particular Situations

Multiple Counts…………………………. Separate standard bail for each offense in the transaction.

Person on felony probation for any grade of Felony……………………………. No Bond

Any 3g offense or where deadly weapon alleged
………………………………………… $30,000.00

Person with deportation history or undocumented presence in United States
………………………………………. $35,000.00

Motion to Revoke Probation……………
…………………………………. No Bond

Motion to Adjudicate Guilt…………………………..
…………………………………….. At the Judge’s Discretion

Large quantities o f controlled substance or Double the value of large quantities of stolen property
………………………………………… the controlled substance or property.